It is no secret that the printed electronic industry has undergone exponential growth. As this industry has expanded, so has the capabilities and applications of the printed electronics. It has been reported by Markets And Markets that the wearable medical device market will reach $46.6 billion dollars by the end of 2025, which is an increase of $18.4 billion from 2020. With so much room to grow, there is no telling what the printed technology industry can achieve. One of the more recent developments of the industry is the use of printed wearable electronics for medical monitoring. These sensors have endless capabilities to assist any medical practitioner that needs to obtain accurate data for medical diagnosis.
An example of this technology in application includes monitoring patient data with wearable technologies. Through incorporating the wearable technology into material items including hospital robes, bed sheets, gloves, socks, and much more. The wearable technology is light-weight and undetectable, removing any patient discomfort. Patient discomfort, stress or anxiety has been medically proven to impact testing results. Printed electronics offers the remedy for this, allowing patients to be comfortable which in turn provides medical practitioners with the most accurate data that technology can provide.
Medical practitioners have been crying out for help, for a solution to their medical monitoring grievances. This is where printed electronics and smart wearable technology offers the benefit of cost effectiveness while incorporating sleek accessible designs.
These possibilities are truly endless. The potential to revolutionise any medical device can and should be done. If you are interested in what our printed electronics can do for you, do not hesitate to contact us, we are always eager to begin new exciting projects.